Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Number 2 grandbaby

Guess what, it's a boy! I just found out that Casey and Tianna are going to be giving us our very first grandson. He's due in mid march and we're very excited to meet him.


Kim said...

WooHoo! I am so excited for them, and for you and Pete, congratulations!
And good job on the blog, I have to warn you they can be a bit addictive. Everytime I pull out my camera, my poor family asks "Are you gonna put this on your blog?" I can't help it, it's so fun.

wendy m said...

Hooray Casey, Tianna and Jackson Robert!

Amy Allred said...

Congrats Guys. That is exciting and I bet Casey is so proud to have the first Ford Great!

Amy Allred said...

I meant BOY Ford Great! Sorry